Publications in Journals:
- Wangui, J. W., Ronoh, M., Kanyiri, C. W., & Manda, E. C. (2024). Modelling the effects of psychological fear and vaccination on the dynamics of typhoid fever. Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci., 2024, Article-ID.
- Levy, H. Correia, F. Chirove, M. Ronoh, A. Abebe, M. Kgosimore, O. Chimbola, H. Machingauta, S. Lenhart, J. White, Modeling the effect of HIV/AIDS stigma on HIV infection dynamics in Kenya, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Journal, 83(5),2021, DOI:
- Burton, S. Lenhart, C. Edholm, B. Levy, M.L. Washington, B.R. Greening, K.A.J. White, E. Lungu, O. Chimbola, M. Kgosimore, F. Chirove, M. Ronoh, M.H. Machingauta, A mathematical model of contact tracing during the 2014-2016 West African Ebola outbreak, Mathematics MDPI, 9(608), 2021, DOI:
- Ronoh, F. Chirove, S. Pedro, M. Seuneu et al, Modelling the spread of Schistosomiasis in Humans with Environmental Transmission. Applied Mathematical Modelling-Elsevier Journal, 95, pp. 159-175, 2021, DOI:
- Ronoh, F. Chirove, J. Kagunda, W. Ogana, Evidence-based modeling of combination control on Kenyan youth HIV/AIDS dynamics, PLoS One, 15(11): e0242491 November (2020),DOI:
- Ronoh, F. Chirove, J. Wairimu, W. Ogana, Modeling Disproportional Effects of Educating Infected Kenyan on HIV/AIDS, Journal of Biological Systems, 28(2), (2020), pp. 1–39, DOI: .
- Wairimu, F. Chirove, M. Ronoh, D. Malonza, Modeling insecticides resistance in Malaria transmitting mosquitoes in endemic regions of Kenya, Biosystems, 174, (2018), pp. 49-59.
- J. Lugoye, J. Wairimu, C. Alphonce, M. Ronoh, Modeling Rift Valley Fever with Treatment and Trapping Control Strategies, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 7(6), (2016), pp. 556-568.
- J. Wairimu, M. Ronoh, Modeling insecticide resistance in endemic regions of Kenya, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 7(6), (2016), pp. 542-555.
- M. Ronoh, R. Jaroudi, V. Kamdoum et al, A Mathematical Model of Tuberculosis with Drug Resistance Effects, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 7(12), (2016) pp. 1303-1316.
Presentation of Papers at Academic and Professional Conferences
- Ronoh, M. (2018, November). Modeling Disproportional Effects of Educating Infected Kenyan on HIV/AIDS. SAMSA-MASAMU workshop held at Botswana International University of Science and Technology in November 2018.
- Ronoh, M. (2016, June). Calculating the Reproduction Number. University of Nairobi Public Lectures on Mathematical Modeling, Chiromo Campus, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Ronoh, M. (2015, July). A Mathematical Model of TB with Drug Resistance Effects. Presentation at the CIMPA School on Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems, Lake Naivasha Panorama Park, Kenya.
- Ronoh M. (2015, May). Compartmental Models in Epidemiology. Presentation at CDC Global Health-Kenya on mathematical modeling, KEMRI, Nairobi.