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Welcome to the Department of Mathematics & Statistics

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2024 Career Talk Seminar
Mr. Edwin Sindiga, a Data analyst specializing in profiling at the Intelligence and Strategic Operations Department of the Kenya Revenue Authority addressing the students. (Click the image to read more)
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2024 Career Talk Seminar
Dr. Mogaka facilitating the Q and A session where a few students asked the facilitators some questions. He also addressed the students on Curriculum Vitae (CV) writing, Cover Letter writing, and Interview Preparedness.
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Teachers from Kangaru Girls receive trophy after emerging position one during the 1st Annual High School Students’ Maths Contest at the University of Embu
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Dr. Dominic Kitavi (Chairman of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics) addresses high school students and staff during the 1st Annual High School Students’ Maths Contest at the University of Embu
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High school students take test during the 1st Annual High School Students’ Maths Contest at the University of Embu
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Bsc Statistics 4th year students visit to Muguga Karlo on 23rd March 2023
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Naivasha Dairy Research Institute Visit by fourth years BSc Statistics Students.
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Bsc. Statistics fourth years students undertaking a field strip at Embu Karlo to study more on design and analysis of experiments
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  • Message from Dr. Dominic Kitavi

    Welcome to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, one of the departments at the School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Embu. The department was established in July 2021 following the split of the former department of Mathematics, Computing, and Information technology into two departments: Department of Mathematics and Statistics & Department of Computing and Information Technology. The department of Mathematics and Statistics currently has about 400 students in both our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
    The department has qualified academic members of staff in Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics and Statistics, who are actively engaged in quality teaching, research, and community service. We are committed to providing excellent teaching services and exposing our students to scientific thinking and innovation.
    The departmental academic programmes are framed in a manner suitable to produce professionals who can conceive, design, and implement innovative mathematical solutions and applications. Our graduates fits well in multiple and diverse sectors where mathematical and statistical skills are needed. The department is committed in making follow-up on the progress of their graduates.
    The department currently has two undergraduate programmes: Bachelor of Science in Statistics and Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Computing. Two more undergraduate programmes are at advanced stages of development: Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science and Bachelor of Science in Financial Mathematics.
    The department also runs three postgraduate programmes: Master of Science in Pure Mathematics, Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, and Master of Science in Statistics. Corresponding PhD programmes are at advanced stages of development. The department is committed to ensuring that the students complete their research proposals and theses on time.
    The department strives to: Establish collaborations both locally and internationally with other universities and industrial partners; Develop new demand-driven academic programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels; Carry out research to solve and address societal challenges; among others.
    To learn more about the department and research interests of our staff, please contact the Chairman of Department or the individual members of the department.
    Thank you.

  • Latest Publications from the Department

    • Odhiambo, B., Ngari, C., Kimani, P., & Njori, P. (2023). Modelling and Simulation of Competition for Students’ Population with Holling Type II Response. Journal of Mathematics, 2023.
    • M. Wanyonyi, D. M. Kitavi, D. M. Mugo, & E. B. Atitwa, “COVID-19 Prediction in Kenya Using the ARIMA Model,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 105 – 114, August 2021. 
    • G. Ngari, D. M. Kitavi, P. M. Ngari, & D. M. Mugo, “Parameters and State Estimates of Sex Based COVID-19 Model Using Kenya Data, Nonlinear Least Square and Interpolating Polynomials,” International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 393 – 408, May 2021,
    • Gogo Akelo, Atitwa Benson, Gitonga Cyrus and Mugo David (2021). Modelling conditions of storing quality commercial eggs. Heliyon, 7, 1-8
    • Levy, H. Correia, F. Chirove, M. Ronoh, A. Abebe, M. Kgosimore, O. Chimbola, H. Machingauta, S. Lenhart, J. White, Modeling the effect of HIV/AIDS stigma on HIV infection dynamics in Kenya, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Journal, 83(5),2021, DOI:
    • Burton, S. Lenhart, C. Edholm, B. Levy, M.L. Washington, B.R. Greening, K.A.J. White, E. Lungu, O. Chimbola, M. Kgosimore, F. Chirove, M. Ronoh, M.H. Machingauta, A mathematical model of contact tracing during the 2014-2016 West African Ebola outbreak, Mathematics MDPI, 9(608), 2021, DOI:  
    • Ronoh, F. Chirove, S. Pedro, M. Seuneu et al, Modelling the spread of Schistosomiasis in Humans with Environmental Transmission. Applied Mathematical Modelling-Elsevier Journal, 95, pp. 159-175, 2021, DOI:


Bachelor’s Degrees

The Department offers the following Bachelor's Degree Click Here


The Department offers the following Postgraduate Courses Click Here

Department of Mathematics & Statistics